Category: Uncategorized

  • The developer is dead.

    There is a lot of buzz about ChatGTP potentially killing the copywriter, after all with tools like this everyone can be a writer. What about the developer? In this example, ChatGTP is generating JavaScript code, based on a simple textual briefing. The copywriter & developer will be around for many years, just as the photographer…

  • Berlin.🌭

    Past years I went to WorldCamp Europe in Paris, Vienna and Belgrade. This year the WordPress community picked Berlin to gather. Berlin is also the host for Common Europe, a yearly conference organised by the biggest IBMi user group.  This may sound as an unusual cocktail, but IBM has put a lot of effort in…

  • 😀 3 days of design

    Productontwikkeling, het kruipt waar het niet gaan kan. Dit jaar trek ik dus naar Copenhagen voor “3 days of design“. In het verleden ging ik al naar de Milan design week en Clerkenwell design week, maar in Scandinavië was ik nog nooit. Vreemd eigenlijk want Scandinavische design heeft toch wel een stevige reputatie. Als internetter…