Past years I went to WorldCamp Europe in Paris, Vienna and Belgrade. This year the WordPress community picked Berlin to gather. Berlin is also the host for Common Europe, a yearly conference organised by the biggest IBMi user group.
This may sound as an unusual cocktail, but IBM has put a lot of effort in embracing “Open Source”. In more and more projects open source is combined with information driven by IBMi business solutions and the other way around.

So today at Common Europe, Jesse Gorzinski (IBM) was showcasing the configurator made for JORI as an example on how you can successfully integrate open source on IBMi. ( It combines Unity 3D, Drupal and IBMi to drive a web application as well as iOS & Android apps.) Together with the people from CD-Invest & Triangle Factory, I had great fun in the process of getting there.
By the way it was at one of those WorldPress conferences, Matt — the founder of WordPress — said, if you still want to learn one thing, make sure it’s javascript. In the meantime you can run WordPress headless and build a complete front-end using javascript. So in some sense, every javascript developer can be an IBMi developer ?
“Learn JavaScript, Deeply”.
Matt Mullenweg
Looking forward to the upcoming start of WordCamp, but I know for sure, we will keep developing applications that combine both worlds. It allows you to keep your current applications in place and offer new and modern interfaces for your customers.

I have been enjoying Berlin so far but feel free to share your tips for Berlin.
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